bonded leather
What exactly is Bonded leather?
Bonded leather is a material that uses a mix of chromeleather shavings, shredded organic leather, natural latex, natural greases and tanning agents.
Bonded leather is used since long in the shoe industry for counters, heels, soles and inner soles, as well as for so called frame material. Likewise it is used in leather goods, upholstery and also for bookbinding.
Terms like Bonded leather or Recycled leather are regulated by the norm EN 15987 „Leder – Terminologie – Hauptdefinitionen für den Lederhandel“. Products with less than 50% leather may not be called Bonded leather.
HELCOR calls its bonded leather, ennobled patent-protected with striking and distinctive surfaces, HELBOND; a substance, which presents an attractive alternative to other materials, especially under aspects as sustainability and cost.