Using our set up and innovative technology we upgrade split leather.
Out of a rather faceless and commonly perceived inferior substrate we are able to produce since 25 years a technically high-class, innovative and lively leather.
Creating a face in form of a special surface, thereby working inside the frames of ISO 9001, 50001 und 16949 and at the same time to keep the LWG gold status makes us proud.
Without convinced customers this would not be possible. Satisfied customers are our means of existence. We convince by performance.
Dedicated staff is indispensable. Satisfied and qualified personnel are the basis of our success. They get involved towards our customers with professionalism and performance.
Exceptionally important are reliable partners. Satisfied business partners and suppliers are part of our network. Their initiative, reliability and quality make us able to achieve joint values and benefit for our customers.
Last but not least we need loyal investors. Satisfied investors stand by the company. We reward their loyality with reliability and valorisation.
HELCOR is thoroughly commited to its Code of conduct, composed jointly with its sister company HELLER-LEDER and which describes the minimum requirements to environmental awareness, social and working conditions being essential in purchasing and manufacturing.
Guidelines and principles of this CoC should be self-evident in every enterprise; at HELCOR, as well as at HELLER-LEDER, we watch the compliance to the code scrupulously.
HELCOR - Discover diversity!